The items listed were taken from the 1st ed. Players Handbook, 2nd ed. PH, Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue, Al-Qadim (by TSR). Some items were left out such as greek fire oil, others were added by me. These items are a general list of things you can buy in a city. Prices and items may vary as to availablity and workmanship. These are mundane items, not magical. For magical items you must find a specialty shop or have them made by a mage, alchemist or priest or be found as treasure. Of course if you have an excess of an item and want to sell it, they may be sold or bartered. Some items may be negotiated for to lower price. Coins: 10 cp = 1 sp 10 sp = 1 gp 10 gp = 1 pp 100 pp = 1 mithril (starstone - meteor) per oz. [RARE!] *note: Those coins found by adventurers in wandering in the wilds are probably ancient and will be tested and-or scorned. May draw attention of authorities and or thieves guild. LIST OF POSSIBLE ITEMS TO BUY CLOTHING item cost item cost -------------------------- --------------------------- Aba (desert robe) 1 gp Parasol, linen 5sp Belt 3 sp Pin 6 gp Boots - Plain brooch 10 gp riding 3 gp Robe - soft 1 gp common 9 sp Breeches 2 gp embroidered 20 gp Caftan 15 sp Slippers, leather 4 gp Cap, hat 1 sp Sandals 5 cp Cloak - Sash 2 sp good cloth 8 sp Shoes 1 gp fine fur 50 gp Silk jacket 80 gp Girdle 3 gp Surcoat 6 sp Gloves 1 gp Sword scabbard, Gown, common 12 sp hanger, baldric 4 gp Hose 2 gp Tabard 6 sp Knife sheath 3 cp Tunic 8 sp Mittens 3 sp Vest 6 sp New Clothing Party Clothes - men: 30 to 70 gp [depends if fur, jeweled, etc.] - women: 30 - 150 gp [depends if fur, jeweled, metal, etc.] Sandles: 2 gp Togas: - linen 3 sp - wool 10 cp Cape (no hood)- normal 7 sp - 1/2 cape 4 sp [shoulder to just below hips] - fine 3xabove [fur edged, silk, linen, etc.] Slippers: - linen 15 sp - wool 10 sp - quilted silk 35 gp DAILY FOOD AND LODGING item cost item cost -------------------------- ----------------------------- Ale (per gal.) 2 sp Meat for 1 meal 1 sp Banquet (per person) 10 gp Meals (per day) - Bread 5 cp good 5 sp Cheese 4 sp common 3 sp City rooms (per Mo.) - poor 1 sp common 20 gp Separate Latrine for - poor 6 sp rooms (per month) 2 gp Candy (per piece) 3 sp Sanitation (bath) 5gp-1cp Common wine (pitcher) 2 sp Small beer (per gal) 5 cp Egg or fresh veget. 1 cp Soup 5 cp Grain & stabling for - Rations, iron 1 wk. 5 gp horse (daily) 5 sp Rations, stand. 1 wk 3 gp Honey 5 sp Wine, pint, good 10 sp Inn lodging (per day/wk) Wine, pint, watered 5 sp common 5 sp/3 gp Ale, pint 1 sp poor 5 cp/2 sp HOUSEHOLD PROVISIONING item cost item cost --------------------------- ----------------------------- Barrel of pickled fish 3 gp Raisins (per lb.) 2 sp Butter (per lb.) 2 sp Rice (per lb.) 2 sp Charcoal(per day) 1 sp Olives (per lb.) 1 gp Coarse sugar (per lb.) 1 gp Salt (per lb.) 2 sp crockery (set of 4) 2 sp Flour (per lb.) 1-15 gp Dry rations (per wk.) 10 gp salted fish (per 100) 1 gp Eggs (per 100) 8 sp Spice (per lb.) - (per doz.) 2 sp exotic (saffron, clove) 15 gp Figs (per lb.) 3 sp rare (pepper, ginger) 2 gp Firewood (per day) 1 cp uncommon (cinnamon) 1 gp Herbs (per lb.) 15 cp tun of cider (250 gal) 8 gp Nuts (per lb.) 1 gp Tun of good wine (250 gal) 20 gp Wheel Cheese (5 lb.) 20 gp [20 servings] FOODS, SPICES AND HERBS Truffles: - brown 3d12 gp per pound - white 5d10 gp per pound - black 10d10 gp per oz.! Nerve root: 2 cp per 2" of root - makes 2 cups of tea Pepper: - black 10 gp per oz. - white 15 gp per oz. Nutmeg: 30 gp per oz. Ginger: 6 gp " " Cinnamon: 20 gp " " Cloves: 35 gp " " [plus aloe gel- cure disease] Basil: 1 sp " " Rosemary 5 sp " " Salt 1 cp " " Thyme 1 sp " " Sage 1 sp " " Mint 3 cp " " Irish moss 7 cp [used to heal burns - heal-herb skill] Rose hips 5 gp [used alot as tea on ships] Hazelwort 8 cp [good purgative (slow poison) Bethroot (Lambsquarters) 3 cp [added to rosemary makes healing salve] Moss 2 cp per 6 oz. [often used as bandage] Mushrooms: 5 cp per 4 large Seaweed (dry) 2 sp per 8 oz. [used to thicken stuff] Cherry or Birch bark 2 sp per oz. [add sweetner to tea - aspirin] Poppy juice 4 sp per oz. [sleep] Poppy seeds 6 cp per oz. Mustard seed 1 cp per oz. [luck] Mead 26 sp [2 gal. wt. 10 in hand keg] Evermead (elven) - handkeg 50 gp [non-elves roll save vs. con - get buzz] - bottle 25 gp Dwarven Whiskey - handkeg 50 gp [non-dwarves must roll save vs. con] - bottle 25 gp [or be stone drunk with 1 mug full!] Violet Hill Cider (Gnome) 15 gp per handkeg 7 gp per bottle [made of fermented fruit] Cider - apple 3 gp per handkeg 1 gp per bottle Gingerbread cake 1 gp [comes in reuseable tin] Noodles - bean 15 gp per pound - pasta 5 gp per pound - vegetable 10 gp per pound Jams d10 gp per pint [in reuseable clay jars] Dried Vegetables-fall, winter d12 sp per oz. [one serving] -spring, summ d20 sp per oz. Dried fruits d10 gp per pound [except for raisins] Flour 3 gp per pound Dried meat - domestic d8 gp per pound - wild d20 gp per pound " fish - fresh 5 gp per pound - salt water 8 gp per pound [depends on how close sea is] LIST OF POSSIBLE ITEMS TO BUY Tack and Harness item cost item cost -------------------------- ---------------------------- Barding - Horseshoes & shoeing 1 gp chain 500 gp Saddle - full plate 2000 gp pack 5 gp full scale 1000 gp riding 10 gp half brigandine 500 gp Saddle bags - half padded 100 gp large 4 gp half scale 500 gp small 3 gp leather or padded 150 gp Saddle blanket 3 sp Bit & bridle 15 sp Yoke - Cart harness 2 gp horse 5 gp Halter 5 cp ox 3 gp Transport* item cost item cost --------------------------- ----------------------------- Barge 500 gp Drakkar 25,000 gp Canoe - Dromond 15,000 gp small 30 gp Galleon 50,000 gp war 50 gp Great galley 30,000 gp Caravel 10,000 gp Knarr 3,000 gp Carriage - Longship 10,000 gp common 150 gp Oar - coach, ornamented 7000 gp common 2 gp Chariot - Galley 10 gp riding 200 gp Raft or small keelboat 100 gp War 500 gp Sail 20 gp Coaster 5000 gp sedan chair 100 gp Cog 10,000 gp Wagon or cart 50 gp Curragh 500 gp *note, this does not include hiring crew or horses to pull item. Religious items items cost items cost ---------------------------- ------------------------------ Beads, prayer 1 gp Symbol-holy*, silver 50 gp Incense stick 1 gp Symbol-holy*, wooden 7 sp Symbol-holy*, iron 2 gp Water-holy*, vial of 25 gp. Portable alter wt.25 150 gp * also means unholy item Miscellaneous Equipment item cost item cost ----------------------------- ------------------------------ Backpack 2 gp Lock - Barrel, small (30 gal) 2 gp good 100 gp Basket - poor 20 gp large 3 sp Magnifying glass 100 gp small 5 cp Map/scroll case 8 sp Bell 1 gp Merchant's scale 2 gp Belt pouch - Mirror, sm. metal 10 gp large 1 gp Musical instrument 5-100 gp small 7 sp Oil (per flask) 6 cp Block & tackle 5 gp Paper (per sheet) 2 gp Book - Papyrus (per sheet) 8 sp lg. iron bound-blank 100 gp Parchment (per sheet) 1 gp sm. " " - " 50 gp Perfume (per vial) 5-100 gp reading/text 5-50,000 gp* Piton 3 cp Box, iron, large 28 gp Pole, 10' 3 cp Box, iron, small 9 gp Quiver - Bucket 5 sp 1 doz. cap. - arrows 8 sp Chain (per ft.) - 2 doz. cap. - arrows 12 sp heavy 4 gp 1 doz. cap. - bolts 15 sp light 3 gp 2 doz. cap. - bolts 1 gp Carpet (3'x5' - +) 3-24 gp Pillow (seating) 3 sp Chest- wood - Rope (per 50') - large 2 gp hemp 1 gp small 1 gp silk 10 gp Chest - Iron 10 gp Cloth (per sq. yd.) - Sack - common 7 gp large 2 sp fine 50 gp small 5 cp rich 100 gp Sealing/candle wax - Candle - (per lb.) 1 gp tallow** 1 cp Sewing needle 5 sp beeswax 1 sp Signal whistle 8 sp Canvas (per sq. yd.) 4 sp Signet ring/personal seal 5 gp Chalk (per 3" stick) 1 cp Soap (per lb.) 5 sp Cord (per 10') 2 gp Spike, lg. iron 1 cp Crampons 4 gp Spyglass 1000 gp Fishhook, metal 1 sp Tent - Fishing net, 10' sq. 4 gp small (1-2 people) 5 gp Flint & steel, in box 5 sp large (1-8 people) 25 gp Glass bottle 10 gp pavilion (1-100) 150 gp Grappling hook 8 sp Thieves' picks 30 gp Hourglass 25 gp Torch 1 cp Iron pot 5 sp Waterclock 1000 gp Ladder, 10' 5 cp Whetstone 2 cp Lantern - Wineskin 15 sp Beacon 150 gp Waterskin 8 sp Bullseye 12 gp Winter blanket 5 sp Hooded 7 gp Writing ink (per vial) 8 gp * books, cost depends on availablity & content. (ex. 5 gp for romance novel, 1000 gp for 'How to become a fighter in 5 Easy steps'. ** Tallow candles may be eaten, when in a starvation situation, they are made of animal fat. [happened in the Black Death period and other times] New Miscellaneous Empty jars: - clay 6 cp [12 oz. size] - glass 18 cp [ 6 oz. size] Pestle and mortar: 6 gp Perfume: d100 gp [per oz.] Scented water: d100 cp [per oz.] Lamp oil: - scented 6 sp [2 pt flask][cinnamon, sandlewood, rose, violet, pine, etc.] Book with lock 100 gp + normal price of book Flowers: - normal 5 cp per bunch of 6 - seasonal 10 sp per bunch of 6 - rare 5 gp each ----------------------------------------------------------- Games: Chess set: standard 20 gp [pieces and board] ornate 50 gp Carved 100 gp [carved of jade, gems, ivory, etc] Dice set: normal 1 cp per side [6 sides=6cp, 10 sides = 10cp] crooked 10 sp [thieves guild only] Imperial set: wood 10 gp [Mahjong like] Ivory 30 gp [144 tiles in sm. bag] Draughts (checkers): 5 gp [pieces and board] Darts 5 gp [board and 8 darts of 2 colors] PackRat (pic-up-sticks) 2 sp [made of small animal bones] fancy 50 gp [made of dragon bones] Toys: 2cp to 50 gp [made of cloth, wood, metals, etc.] * * * * * * * * * * * * * Animals for purchase animal cost animal cost ----------------------- -------------------------------- Boar 10 gp Horse - Bull 20 gp draft 200 gp Calf 5 gp hvy. war 400 gp Camel 50 gp med. war 225 gp Capon 3 cp lt. war 150 gp Cat 1 sp riding 75 gp Chicken 2 cp Hunting cat (jaguar, etc.) 5000 gp Cow 10 gp Ox 15 gp Dog - Partridge 5 cp guard 25 gp Peacock 5 sp hunting 17 gp Pig 3 gp war 20 gp Piglet 1 gp Donkey, mule 8 gp Pigeon 1 cp Elephant - Pigeon, homing 100 gp labor 200 gp Pony 30 gp war 500 gp Ram 4 gp Goat 1 gp Sheep 2 gp Goose 5 cp Songbird 2-20 sp Guinea hen 2 cp Swan 5 sp Hawk - Monkey, sm. 12 gp trained 1000 gp " , trained 120 gp large 40 gp Stork 1 gp small 18 gp Jungle birds 1-50 gp * * * * * * * * * * * Public services item cost ------------------------------------- Bath 3 cp Barber (healing/shave) 3gp/3sp Bearer (per mile) 7 cp Clerk/scribe (per letter) 2 cp Cook (per day) 1 gp Dancing girl/boy (per performance) 4 gp doctor, leech, or bleeding 3 gp Guide, in city (per day) 2 sp Guide, wilderness (per day) 5 gp Lantern/torchbearer (per night) 1 sp Laundry (by load) 1 cp Litter bearer (per day) 1 gp Messenger, in city (per message) 1 sp Minstrel (per performance) 3 gp [keeps any tips] Mourner (per funeral 2 sp Teamster w/wagon 1 sp/mile Rumormonger/advertising 1-600 gp Mistress/male escort 1-100 gp/wk (plus gifts) Courtesan 50-1000 gp/night (upper class/noblity) Lady/Men of the evening 5 cp-50 gp/visit Proclaimer (clears path in crowds "make way for the noble sir!") (per day) 1-10 sp Slaves (where permitted by local authorities)* bearer 20 gp Courtesan (male/female) 60 gp Entertainer 60 gp Eunuch 40 gp House servant 40 gp Laborer 20 gp Specialist (skilled-weaver, sailing, etc.) 600 gp Warrior/guard 60 gp Indentured Servant (1/2 price of slave categories)* *This does not include daily upkeep (food, water, clothing, shelter). For indentured servant, a very small salary may be paid. When indentured servants debt is paid, will be allowed to leave service. Most don't, for they are either paid a real wage there after or became more indebted to new master by breaking things or the rules. Adventurers may buy slaves but it is their duty to set them free when they enter lands where slaves are outlawed. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Adventurer Kits Item cost contents -------------------------------------------------------- Adventurers backpack 8 gp backpack, bedroll, 1 wk rations, 1 waterskin, 5 torches, tinderbox First aid kit 10 gp 10 bandages, scissors, moss (for padding/soaking up blood), painkillers (10 uses - aspirin) Healers Kit 15 gp 20 bandages, scissors, painkillers (10), healing herbs (10 uses, heal 2 pts, 1x/day), Moss, sm. bottle alcohol Weapon Repair Kit 5 gp 3 rags, whetstone, flask of oil, bits of leather Bow/arrow Repair Kit 8 gp 20 feathers, fletching knife, 6 leather strips [5'], string, sm. pot glue, 5 arrow tips * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Armour Item Cost AC --------------------------------------------- Shield [-1 to AC if used with armour) body 10 gp 9 Buckler (arm shield) 1 gp 9 Medium 7 gp 9 small (held in hand) 3 gp 9 Padded 4 gp 8 Leather 5 gp 8 Studded leather 20 gp 7 Ringmail 100 gp 7 Brigandine 120 gp 6 Scale mail 120 gp 6 Hide Armour 40 gp 6 (thick hide animal-elephant) Chainmail 75 gp 5 Splint mail 80 gp 5 Bronze Plate mail 400 gp 4 Plate mail 600 gp 3 Field plate 2000 gp 2 Full plate 4000-10000 gp 1 Weapons Item Cost Damage (sm.,med/lg) -------------------------------------------------- Battle Axe 5 gp d8/d8 Blowgun 5 gp Barbed Dart 1 sp d3/d2 Needle 2 cp 1/1 Bow Composite longbow 100 gp Composite short bow 75 gp Long bow 75 gp Short Bow 30 gp Sheaf arrow 3 sp/6 d8/d8 Flight arrow 3 sp/12 d6/d6 Club 0-2 sp d6/d6 Crossbow Hand 300 gp Heavy 50 gp light 35 gp Hand quarrel 1 gp d3/d2 Heavy quarrel 2 sp d4+1/d6+1 Light quarrel 1 sp d4/d4 Dagger/dirk 2 gp d4/d3 Dart 5 sp d3/d2 Flail 15 gp d6+1/2d4 Hand Axe (throwing) 1 gp d6/d4 Javelin 5 sp d6/d6 Jambiya (desert knife) 4 gp d4/d4 (not for throwing) Knife 5 sp d3/d2 Morning star 10 gp 2d4/d6+1 Quarterstaff 0-1 cp d6/d6 Sickle 6 sp d4+1/d4 Sling 1 cp Bullet 1 cp d4+1/d6+1 Stone 0 d4/d4 Slingstaff 3 cp Spear 8 sp d6/d8 Sword Bastard 1-Handed 25 gp d8/d12 Bastard 2-Handed 25 2d4/2d8 Khopesh 10 gp 2d4/d6 Longsword 15 gp d8/d12 Scimitar 15 gp d8/d8 Shortsword 10 gp d6/d8 2-handed sword 50 gp d10/3d6 Tiger Claws 4 sp d2/d2 Trident 2 gp d6+1/3d4 Warhammer 2 gp d4+1/d4 Whip 1 sp d2/1 Some NEW items to be added to the Baazar: Weapons - for city & town dwellers Sword Stick 5 gp d6/d8 wt. 20 3' Staff-mace 3 gp d6+1/2d4 wt. 60 6'long Knobbed Stick 2 gp d6/d3 wt. 30 3' *Sword stick is a walking stick/cane that holds a thin, rapier-like weapon. *Staff-mace is like a 1/4staff with a heavy, ornate head that is both decorative for public appearances & dangerous. *Knobbed stick is like a short staff-mace - a walking stick whose handle is strengthened and weighted to act like a club when required.