Roleplaying Resources

Least Magic

This is a revised version of the 3rd edition D&D spell Prestidigitation. I've made it more explicit, and fit it better into the schools of magic.

Least Magic

LevelWizard/Sorcerer 0, Bard 1
Duration10 minutes/level
Casting Timestandard action
Saving ThrowNegates
Spell ResistenceYes

At the core of every wizard's repertoir is a basic understanding of all schools of magic. That understanding comes from this spell. An apprentice who fails to master it will remain an apprentice forever. In fact, this is sometimes the only spell taught to an apprentice until the very end of his training.

During the spell's duration, you can create any number of the following effects. The precise manifestation of the effects is up to the caster. Unless specified otherwise, each effect requires a standard action to create.

Least Abjuration

Increase or decrease an object's hardness by 1 for one round, or add a +1 bonus to AC, hardness, one skill, one ability score or one saving throw for one round. This can also give a creature resistence 1 to any energy type for one round. This bonus doesn't stack with itself or bonuses of any type except those inherrent to the character, like racial and synergy. Least Abjuration cannot alter materials created with Least Conjuration.

A Least Abjuration can also be used to dispel any Least Magic effect, with a dispel check of 1d20 + caster level, maximum 5. This check must even be made against your own effects.

Least Conjuration

As a full-round action, you can create a single object whose dimensions do not exceed one foot in any direction. Creating a complex object requires an appropriate craft check and one minute of concentration. This object is brittle, and can be recognized as fake with a DC5 spot or appraise check, or by touching it. It cannot hold any significant amount of weight without breaking. If it is moved more than ten feet from the caster, or if the spell expires, it decomposes into a powdery dust over the course of one round. This dust can be found in large amounts in the practice rooms of apprentices.

You can also summon one fine creature, such as an insect, for one round per caster level. You cannot choose the type of creature, and you do not control its actions. There is a 1% chance that a dimminutive or larger creature is summonned, at the DM's disgression.

Least Divination

You can predict one event that will occur within the spell's range and duration. You have no control over which event you predict. You can also predict one action that a person will take before the spell expires, with a 20% chance of success, plus 5% per caster level, to a maximum of 95%. Failure with a percentile roll 80 or higher means you make an incorrect prediction.

Least Enchantment

As a full-round action, you can place a single word into someone's mind, for just a moment (will negates). If the target's intelligence is lower than 6, it might believe that the word came from its own line of thought. You can also change a target's attitude towards you slightly, giving you a +2 bonus or -2 penalty to diplomacy or intimidate for one round (will negates). This bonus does not stack with itself or any other bonuses except for those inherrent to the character.

Least Evocation

Create a small bit of energy, sound, force or light. This can do up to one point of damage (reflex negates), which is blocked by anything that has hardness greater than 2, or any DR. It can also push or pull an object weighing up to one pound at a speed of 1 foot per round, but creatures may oppose this force by succeeding at a DC 1 strength check. This effect requires concentration. It can produce light equivalent to a small candle, which illuminates a 5' radius. It can light small fires with a 50% success chance, and create small electric shocks. It can heat or cool one cubic foot of material or a willing creature of dimminutive or fine size, at a rate of one degree per second, with a range of just above freezing to just below boiling.

Least Illusion

Change the appearance of material not exceeding one foot in any dimension, including living creatures. This can change someone's appearance, though the changes are obviously fake, as if makeup has been applied or a mask is being worn. This can change color, flavor or smell. It can also create quiet noises. The duration of a Least Illusion is concentration, up to the duration of this spell. You can concentrate on up to one Least Illusion per two caster levels at the same time, as a move action.

You can also create a small, semi-transparent illusion inside an area of one cubic foot, which can move at a speed of 1. The duration is concentration, but concentrating on this illusion requires a full round action, and only one can be maintained at a time. Will saves to disbelieve the illusion automatically succeed.

Least Necromancy

This can animate a dead creature of Fine size with no more than 1 HD. The creature has a movement speed equal to its speed in life or 5, whichever is lower. It has a dexterity score of 1, and if it could fly in life, it can still do so, with poor maneuverability. The creature cannot attack, and is not dextrous enough to manipulate objects other than by pushing them. It can still make whatever vocalizations it could make in life, but it cannot speak. You can issue one very simple command to the creature per round, as long as it is within ten feet of you. If you issue no commands, it will wander aimlessly.

Least Necromancy can also slightly fatigue a creature, reducing its strength or dexterity by 1 for one round per five caster levels (fortitude negates). This penalty does not stack with any other penalties, and it cannot reduce an ability score below 6.

Least Transmutation

Make minor changes to a portion no larger than a foot in any dimension of a creature or object (will negates for creatures). Changes include color, texture or, to a limited extent, shape. This cannot completely transform one object into another, nor can it cause any direct long-term damage. The changes are permanent, but are very easy to reverse without the use of magic.

This can also animate objects weighing less than one pound, which are no larger than one foot in any dimension. Objects animated in this way can move with a speed of 1, and have strength and dexterity scores of 1. They can push other objects, but cannot cause damage. A single, simple command can be issued once per round as a full round action, provied that the command is connected to the nature of the object. For example, a broom could be commanded to sweep, or a pen could be commanded to scribble. The command is obeyed until another command is issued, or the spell expires.