These 2nd edition priest spells are from
School | Conjuration/Summoning |
Level | 1 |
Sphere | Animal, Summoning |
Range | 0 |
Components | VS |
Duration | 1 round per level |
Casting Time | 1 round |
Area of Effect | 120-yard + 10-yard per level radius |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Teh S. Cheng |
This spell allows the druid to call all animals or birds within the spell effect. The animals or birds will converge upon the druid within 1d3 rounds. While the spell is in effect, none of the animals or birds will attack each other. While there, the druid may set one small task for the group to perform. When the spell ends, the animals or birds will peacefully disperse to whence they came.
School | Enchantment/Charm |
Level | 1 |
Sphere | Animal, Charm |
Range | Touch |
Components | S |
Duration | One day |
Casting Time | 1 |
Area of Effect | One creature |
Saving Throw | Negates |
This spell simply causes the victim to be offensive to animals for the period of one day. Horses will shy or buck, dogs will bark, bulls will charge, birds will aim at them, etc. Note that animals with a close association to the victim won't do anything to hurt the victim, they'll just treat him or her like you would treat a friend who, for some reason, smelled horrible.
School | Alteration Reversible |
Sphere | Animal, Healing |
Range | 10 feet per level |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | Permanent |
Casting Time | 1 |
Area of Effect | One animal |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Kai Rottenbacher <c/o> |
This spell simulates the casting of a cure light wounds for a true animal only. This spell does not work for a shapechanger of any kind, even if its natural shape is an animal and its other shape is something else. This spell cures 1d8 hit points of the animal. It even cures critical wounds such as laming or a broken leg. The reverse, animal harm I, requires a touch in combat and deals 1d8 HP of damage. Note: the reverse will almost never be used by a priest with access to the animal sphere - if it is used, there have to exist some very good reasons - and if it is used without such reasons, the priest should be prepared to suffer the consequences.
The spell requires an ointment made from healing plants and the holy symbol of the priest. The reverse requires an ointment made from poison ivy and the holy symbol of the priest.
School | Enchantment, Alteration |
Level | 1 |
Sphere | Animal |
Range | 0 |
Components | VSM |
Duration | 3 + 1 turn per level |
Casting Time | 2 rounds |
Area of Effect | Caster |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Teh S. Cheng |
This spell causes the druid to leave tracks & scents as as the animal specified during casting. The tracks have traces of magic for 3 turns, after which they are indistinguishable from normal tracks. Only non-mythical creatures can be impersonated.
School | Conjuration/Summoning |
Sphere | Animal, Summoning |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S |
Duration | 1 round per level |
Casting Time | 1 round |
Area of Effect | 120-yard + 10-yard per level radius |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Teh S. Cheng |
This spell allows the priest to call all birds within the spell effect. The birds will converge upon the priest within 1d3 rounds. While the spell is in effect, none of the birds will attack each other. While there, the priest may set one small task for the group to perform. When the spell ends, the birds will peacefully disperse to whence they came.
School | Alteration (Reversible) |
Sphere | Elemental (Air) |
Range | 6 yards |
Components | V, S |
Duration | 1 turn per level |
Casting Time | 1 |
Area of Effect | 10-yard radius sphere |
Saving Throw | Negates |
Author | Rob McNeur |
This spell causes the affected area to have breathable air for the duration of the spell, as long as the surrounding pressure will allow it (eg., in shallow water the pressure will not remove the spell, in deep water the water pressure will reduce the area of effect considerably). This is handy for emergency breathing supplies within a poison gas area, stinking cloud, etc., and also gives a better saving throw versus these effects (save at +4). The reverse (unbreathable air) will cause the air to become totally unbreathable, causing choking (1d6 per round while within the area of effect) and making it difficult to cast spells (save versus spell to be able to do so). This is similar to stinking cloud.
School | Alteration |
Sphere | All |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | Permanent |
Casting Time | 2 |
Area of Effect | Special |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Steve Bartell |
Upon casting this spell, the priest effectively cleans one person, animal, or object per level of experience. If cast upon a person or mount, it cleans the being plus any personal belongings it has on it. Alternatively, it can be cast on a 10-foot cube area. This spell affects dirt, grease, paint, sweat, etc., but can be controlled so it doesn't remove something that is permanent, such as oil in boots or paint on a shield. This spell is useful for a party that is on the road for weeks without a chance to bathe. It can also be used to negate the effects of some spells. These spells would include colour spray, grease, etc. The material component of this spell is a piece of soap.
School | Divination |
Sphere | Divination |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, M |
Duration | Instantaneous |
Casting Time | 2 |
Area of Effect | 1-yard per level radius |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Unknown |
By casting this spell, the priest may determine whether there are creatures within the area of effect that bear hostile intent toward him. The spell will reveal the direction of the creatures, even if they are invisible, ethereal, astral, or out of phase. Note that this spell does not reveal anything about the alignment or motives of the creatures in concern. The material component of this spell is a miniature spy-glass of any material.
School | Divination |
Sphere | Divination |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S |
Duration | Instantaneous |
Casting Time | 1 |
Area of Effect | 60-foot radius |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Jim Vassilakos |
This spell enables the priest to sense the aura of life. Diviners may also sense at will one attribute per level above third, noting such attributes as number, degree (size), concentration (power), and location. Diviners may also focus in on a particular aura and sense at will one “colour” per level above seventh, noting such features as kingdom (animal, plant, etc.), state (live, undead, divine, etc.), form (gaseous, liquid, solid), and extension (prime-material, para-ethereal, negative-energy, etc.).
School | Alteration (Reversible) |
Sphere | Sun, Weather |
Range | 6 yards |
Components | V, S |
Duration | 1 turn per level |
Casting Time | 1 |
Area of Effect | 10-yard radius sphere |
Saving Throw | Negates |
Author | Rob McNeur |
This spell causes the affected area to become warm, maintaining a constant temperature of 40 degrees C (96 degrees F). This is intended primarily as a heat source, not an attack, although if used against cold-based creatures, they will take 1d4 damage per round they remain in the area of the spell. The spell is reversible (chill), causing the area to lower in temperature to 0 degrees C (32 degrees F). Used against heat-based creatures, they will take 1d4 damage per round during the time they remain in the area of effect.
School | Enchantment/Charm |
Sphere | Charm |
Range | 30 yards |
Components | V, S |
Duration | Instantaneous |
Casting Time | 1 |
Area of Effect | One creature |
Saving Throw | Negates |
Author | Unknown |
Causes the victim to have an irresistible urge to scratch, if it fails its saving throw. This can be cast on any sort of creature that is able to scratch, and dogs save at -4. This spell works with embarrassing effectiveness on armoured folks. The actual location of the itch is semi-random (i.e., the DM rolls a dice, pretends it matters, then does whatever he likes). Most of the time, though, it's on the back, the foot, or, on the odd occasion, less appropriate places.
School | Alteration |
Sphere | Healing |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | Permanent |
Casting Time | 1 |
Area of Effect | Person touched |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Steve Bartell |
This spell immediately stops the bleeding of a wounded individual. It will not heal any damage, only stop the flow and scent of blood. This is useful when a priest needs to halt bleeding of an individual who cannot be fully healed at that time (note that even a bandaged wound may still attract sharks and other creatures by scent). The spell will cease to attract sharks and other carnivorous fish, but the amount of blood already spilled will still exist. This spell can also be used on land to stop the victim from leaving a trail of blood. It may also be used to halt the adverse effects of a weapon of wounding. The material component of this spell is the priest's holy symbol.
School | Alteration (Reversible) |
Sphere | Animal, Healing |
Range | 10 feet per level |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | Permanent |
Casting Time | 3 |
Area of Effect | One animal |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Kai Rottenbacher <c/o> |
This spell simulates the casting of a cure serious wounds for a true animal only. This spell does not work for a shapechanger of any kind, even if its natural shape is an animal and its other shape is something else. This spell cures 2d8+1 hit points of the animal. It even cures critical wounds such as laming or a broken leg. The reverse, animal harm II, requires a touch in combat and deals 2d8+1 HP of damage. Note: the reverse will almost never be used by a priest with access to the animal sphere - if it is used, there have to exist some very good reasons - and if it is used without such reasons, the priest should be prepared to suffer the consequences.
The spell requires an ointment made from healing plants and the holy symbol of the priest. The reverse requires an ointment made from poison ivy and the holy symbol of the priest.
School | Alteration |
Sphere | Animal |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | 5 rounds per level |
Casting Time | 2 |
Area of Effect | Creature touched |
Saving Throw | Negates |
Author | Kai Rottenbacher <c/o> |
This spell offers a touched creature a single sense of another creature. This sense must be from any animal. For example, the sense of a bat will give absolute radar power in any circumstances. The creature can understand what it receives by the new sense if it succeeds at an Intelligence check. If it fails, it misinterprets the sensory input. Once a number of 20 Intelligence checks (with a minimum of one check) have succeeded, the creature no longer needs to make any Intelligence checks again for this sense, unless a special situation arises: say you had gained the nose of a bloodhound and followed a trace through a swamp; suddenly you come upon a large patch of aniseed (which is incredible irritating to dog noses), in this case you would have to succeed at an Intelligence check again (normally even with a hefty subtraction).
It is possible to have up to one additional sense per 3 Intelligence points of the recipient creature; for each new sense the Intelligence checks of all senses are reduced by 2 (this simulates the strain on the brain of trying to cope with so many new sensory inputs).
The material components are the holy symbol of the priest and a tiny bit from the animal from which you desire to gain the sense.
School | Alteration |
Sphere | Plant |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | 1 round |
Casting Time | 1 |
Area of Effect | Special |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Jim Vassilakos |
This spell allows the priest to bend wood to his will, making it supple and flowing, altering the shape of the wood permanently (though the form created must bear some semblance to the original form of the wood). A living tree may be animated at five feet (height) per level. Dead wood may be animated at a rate of two arrow shafts per level. The wood may be made to grasp, entangle, or attack as club. The material component of this spell is a supple twig.
School | Alteration |
Sphere | Guardian |
Range | 120 yards |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | 2 rounds per level |
Casting Time | 5 |
Area of Effect | 15-foot radius sphere |
Saving Throw | Special |
Author | Ezra van Everbroeck |
When this spell is cast all odours disappear in the ^area of effect |no | new odours will enter or leave the protected sphere. This effect lasts for the full duration of the spell - 2 rounds per level of the priest casting the spell. The area of effect must be centred around an object or a creature and so it will move if its centre turns out to be mobile. Unwilling creatures or objects worn by unwilling creatures receive a saving throw versus spell in order to prevent the spell from taking effect (the objects have the same saving throw as the creature that is carrying them). The material component is a piece of garlic that disappears when the spell is cast.
The spell provides excellent protection against odour-based attacks, be they magical like stinking cloud or natural like the smell troglodytes produce. Dispel scent can also be used to avoid being noticed by animals or monsters that rely heavily on their noses.
School | Alteration |
Sphere | Protection |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | 5 rounds per level |
Casting Time | 4 |
Area of Effect | The caster |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Unknown |
This spell causes the priest's movements to become completely silent for the duration of the spell. All sounds made by his equipment from the neck down are muted into inaudibility. Intentional shouting or spell casting can be heard, but will negate the inaudibility. Attacking completely negates the spell's effect (cf. invisibility). The material component is a piece of sea sponge.
School | Invocation |
Sphere | Cosmos |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S |
Duration | 5 rounds per level |
Casting Time | 1 round |
Area of Effect | 5-foot radius |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Dimitris Xanthakis |
By means of this spell, the caster creates a number of insubstantial “hands” that he can use to assist him in various processes. The number of hands equals one per three levels (or fraction) of experience of the caster.
The hands cannot be used to attack or defend but can otherwise be used for any normal purpose, as if they were physical appendages of the caster. They possess a Strength equal to the caster's. Examples of use include housekeeping jobs, climbing (bonus +10% per hand), holding other characters or items, etc.
Whatever weight the hands carry, it is in addition to any allowed for the caster. In any case, the DM must judge whether the attempted actions are within reason (each hand can only do things a normal hand can). This spell was designed for the Dark Sun campaign world. The spell was created by the thri-kreen earth druid Kll'Rkh.
School | Alteration, Necromancy (Reversible) |
Sphere | Healing |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | Permanent |
Casting Time | 1 hour |
Area of Effect | Bone touched |
Saving Throw | Negates |
Author | Bill Hincks |
With this spell the caster may mend a broken bone. The bone must still be made of living tissue and recently broken. An hour must be spent chanting over the person, while smooth strokes are made on the skin over the broken bone. Water (or a similar substance depending on the view of the priest) must be rubbed over the wound every ten minutes. Over the course of the hour, the bone will draw together and mend. It will be as good as new when the spell is complete. If interrupted while casting, the bone will be mended only partly, depending on when the caster was interrupted. The mending heals 10% of the bone for every 10 minutes of casting, and 50% of the mending occurs in the last 10 minutes.
The reverse of this spell, break bone, is an excruciating process, where the bone is weakened and drawn apart until it is split into two separate pieces. The process still occurs over the course of an hour and a saving throw versus spell occurs in the last 10 minutes. If successful, the bone is only weakened by 50%; if failed, the bone is separated completely. It is a common torture technique among Dark Sun templars. Note: in order to insure that the bone is set properly the caster must make a successful healing proficiency check, when the spell is completed. If someone other than the caster tries to use the healing proficiency and guide the caster he must make the check at an additional -5 to his roll. An improperly set bone must be broken and set again in order to attain its former strength.
School | Abjuration |
Sphere | Protection |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | 2 rounds per level |
Casting Time | 5 |
Area of Effect | 10-foot radius sphere |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Unknown |
While this spell is in operation, all creatures in the area of effect have a percentage immunity to all forms of charm (spell, item, or whatever) equal to 20% plus 5% per level of the priest (up to a maximum of 90%). Thus, if cast by a 5th-level priest, any creature in the area of effect targeted by a charm spell would not need to make a saving throw if 45 or lower was rolled on percentile dice. The material component is a miniature cloth blindfold.
School | Abjuration |
Sphere | Protection |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | 1 turn per level |
Casting Time | 3 |
Area of Effect | Creature touched |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | The Carnal Knowledge Guide <c/o> |
By means of this spell, the wizard bestows total invulnerability to disease. The creature can't contract, become a carrier, or pass on any disease he may already have. This spell doesn't cure disease: it merely prevents its transfer. When a person is subject to this spell, a glowing light appears on the subject's palm. This is to assure the person has this protection on. Therefore, a person can't untruthfully say: “Let's have sex, I have protection on”. The material component of this spell is a scoop of mould (a generic form of penicillin).
School | Abjuration |
Sphere | Protection |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | 1 round per level |
Casting Time | 3 |
Area of Effect | One creature per 2 levels |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Thomas Huijer |
A priest can call upon his god to shield him from the eyes of others. His God then averts the eyes of those around the caster, so that the caster will not be noticed. Creatures with the lowest Hit Dice or levels are affected first. So, if a 8th-level priest casts this spell and he faces three 1st-level fighters, one 2nd-level and one 5th-level, only the 5th-level doesn't avert his eyes, the others do (they can be distracted by a sound or something, or just happen to look the other way). Note that the 5th-level fighter's eyes are not averted by the spell, but that doesn't mean he automatically sees the caster. It just means he's not affected by the spell. The spell effect also wears off if the caster makes a lot of noise (more than talking-level), such as melee combat. Casting other spells does not end the spell. The material component of this spell is a hood, to be donned by the caster.
School | Alteration, Conjuration (Reversible) |
Sphere | Weather |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | 1 round per level |
Casting Time | 5 |
Area of Effect | 9-foot radius sphere |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Ezra van Everbroeck |
By casting open clouds a priest can create an opening in an otherwise closed cloud-cover, so that he and other creatures in the area of effect can benefit from direct sunlight or, at night, moonlight and starlight. The spell lasts for 1 round per level of the priest casting the spell, and will only work outdoors.
The illuminated sphere remains stationary unless the priest who has cast the spell concentrates on its movement - the level of concentration needed to achieve this makes it impossible for him to cast other spells or to engage in melee.
The reversed spell, create cloud (Conjuration), conjures forth a small cloud in the sky that blocks all direct light from one major celestial body. The magical cloud can be moved in the same way as the opening created by the normal spell.
The material component for both spells is the priest's holy symbol.
School | Alteration (Reversible) |
Sphere | Animal, Healing |
Range | 10 feet per level |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | Permanent |
Casting Time | 5 |
Area of Effect | One animal |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Kai Rottenbacher <c/o> |
This spell simulates the casting of a cure critical wounds for a true animal only. This spell does not work for a shapechanger of any kind, even if its natural shape is an animal and its other shape is something else. This spell cures 3d8+3 hit points of the animal. It even cures critical wounds such as laming or a broken leg. The reverse, animal harm III, requires a touch in combat and deals 3d8+3 HP of damage. Note: the reverse will almost never be used by a priest with access to the animal sphere - if it is used, there have to exist some very good reasons - and if it is used without such reasons, the priest should be prepared to suffer the consequences.
The spell requires an ointment made from healing plants and the holy symbol of the priest. The reverse requires an ointment made from poison ivy and the holy symbol of the priest.
School | Alteration (Reversible) |
Sphere | Sun, Weather |
Range | 6 yards |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | Until dispelled |
Casting Time | 3 |
Area of Effect | 20-yard radius sphere |
Saving Throw | Negates |
Author | Rob McNeur |
This spell causes the affected area to become warm, maintaining a constant temperature of 40 degrees C (96 degrees F). This is intended primarily as a heat source, not an attack, although if used against cold-based creatures, they will take 1d4 damage per round they remain in the area of the spell. The spell is reversible (continual chill), causing the area to lower in temperature to 0 degrees C (32 degrees F). Used against heat-based creatures, they will take 1d4 damage per round during the time they remain in the area of effect. Continual heat is very handy cast on blankets, etc., for those travelling in cold climates or in deserts. Materials required: sulphur for continual heat, clear crystal for continual chill.
School | Alteration |
Sphere | Travellers |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | 1 round + 1 round per level |
Casting Time | 3 |
Area of Effect | Creature touched |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Jim Vassilakos |
The recipient of this spell gains the ability to cross silently over flat surfaces at a normal pace (or still fluids at half-normal pace) without activating pressure-based traps or leaving any tangible trace. The material component is some dust to be sprinkled on the surface to be crossed.
School | Alteration |
Level | 3 |
Sphere | Combat |
Range | 0 |
Components | VSM |
Duration | 1d4 rounds + 1 round per level |
Casting Time | 3 |
Area of Effect | Caster |
Saving Throw | None |
When this spell is cast, the druid causes his or her fingernails to grow and thicken into claws. He is able to attack with these claws twice a round, doing 1d4+1 points of damage each plus strength bonuses. Damage from these claws will affect creatures that can only be hit by +3 or less magic weapons. But, the claws are not magical. Note that the claws does not affect the druid's spell casting ability or his capability to hold or manipulate objects. To cast this spell, the druid needs a sprig of mistletoe and a claw from a lion.
School | Enchantment/Charm |
Sphere | Charm |
Range | Special |
Components | V, S |
Duration | Permanent |
Casting Time | 1 round |
Area of Effect | The priest plus one creature |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Jim Vassilakos |
By means of this spell, the priest sets down a magical contract between himself and some other individual, which cannot be broken by either party except where conditions of punishment are specifically agreed upon. All that is necessary is that the two parties somehow be in communication, have full understanding of the agreement, and that both willingly accept it. Because of the nature of the magic, oaths which are not clear and well defined tend to end in disaster for both parties. The oath may only be “unbound” if a condition was set for its unbinding within the magical contract.
School | Necromancy (Reversible) |
Sphere | Healing |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | Permanent |
Casting Time | 6 |
Area of Effect | Creature touched |
Saving Throw | Negates |
Author | Scott Neilly |
The purpose of this spell is to remove scars caused by battle or other mishaps. Any Comeliness that was lost due to scarring is now restored from application of this spell. Larger scars may require several applications to remove all the effects of the disfigurement. The material component of this spell is a small dressing.
The reverse of this spell, scar, causes hideous scars to form on the targets face and body causing a loss of 1d3 Comeliness points. Multiple applications of this spell cannot drop Comeliness lower than 0. A saving throw versus spell will negate the effect. The material component of the reverse is a small knife.
School | Alteration (Reversible) |
Sphere | Animal, Healing |
Range | 10 feet per level |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | Permanent |
Casting Time | 7 |
Area of Effect | One animal |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Kai Rottenbacher <c/o> |
This spell simulates the casting of a heal for a true animal only. This spell does not work for a shapechanger of any kind, even if its natural shape is an animal and its other shape is something else. This spell cures all hit points of the animal. It even cures critical wounds such as laming or a broken leg. The reverse, animal harm IV, requires a touch in combat and causes a loss of all hit points with the exception of 1d4 HP. Note: the reverse will almost never be used by a priest with access to the animal sphere - if it is used, there have to exist some very good reasons - and if it is used without such reasons, the priest should be prepared to suffer the consequences.
The spell requires an ointment made from healing plants and the holy symbol of the priest. The reverse requires an ointment made from poison ivy and the holy symbol of the priest.
School | Enchantment/Charm |
Sphere | Animal, Charm |
Range | 100 yards + 10 yards per level |
Components | V, S |
Duration | 3 turns + 1 turn per level |
Casting Time | 3 rounds |
Area of Effect | One natural creature |
Saving Throw | Negates |
Author | Teh S. Cheng |
By use of this spell, the priest is able to project his spirit into that of an animal, forcing the creature to behave according to his will. The creature must be a normal creature and have fewer Hit Dice than the priest. The animal is allowed a saving throw versus spell and, if successful, the spell has no effect. Once the animal is possessed, the priest can cause it to do anything within its ability, regardless of the consequences to the animal. However, for every hit point of damage suffered by the animal, the priest suffers half a hit point of damage. In addition, should the animal die while under the control of the priest, a system shock roll must be made. If the roll is failed, the priest also dies. While controlling the animal, the priest's body enters a catatonic state. If the body is disturbed or moved, the spell is disrupted. The material component for this spell is a holly leaf and some hair from the animal.
School | Enchantment/Charm |
Sphere | Animal, Charm |
Range | 30 yards |
Components | V, S |
Duration | 1 turn per level |
Casting Time | 3 rounds |
Area of Effect | One natural creature |
Saving Throw | Special |
Author | Unknown |
By use of this spell, the druid is able to merge his body into that of an animal, forcing the creature to behave according to his will. The creature must be a normal creature and have fewer Hit Dice than the druid has levels. The animal is allowed a saving throw versus spell (at +4 if the druid does not know the animal, normal otherwise), and if successful, the spell has no effect. However, if the druid first assumes the form of the type of animal he wants to merge with (by using his shape changing ability), no saving throw is allowed.
Once the druid and the animal have merged, the druid can cause the animal's body to do anything within its ability, regardless of the consequences to the animal. However, for every hit point of damage suffered by the animal, the druid suffers half a hit point of damage. In addition, should the animal die while under the control of the druid, a system shock roll must be made. If the roll is failed, the druid dies as well. When the spell ends, the druid is expelled from the body of the animal, and re-enters the form he had before entering the animal.
This spell functions for druids only. If any other priest wishes to merge into an animal, he must use the 6th-level spell mons
School | Necromancy |
Sphere | Healing |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | Permanent |
Casting Time | 4 hours |
Area of Effect | Creature touched |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Tim Rightnour |
This allows the priest to mend broken or severed limbs of up to 1 day (per level of the caster) old. The caster must have the severed limb in his possession. The recipient must be currently alive, however he may have died previously. If the wound was cauterized, the spell will not work. Should the spell work, the limb will be returned, but no hit points are regained.
The material components for this spell is are piece of cloth and a splint.
School | Abjuration |
Sphere | Healing |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | Permanent |
Casting Time | 1 turn |
Area of Effect | Creature touched |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Unknown |
The casting of this spell cures one mental malady in the subject. Insanity applies to any form of temporary or permanent mental illness, even those brought on by a psionic attack or a spell, such as feeblemind. See the Dungeon Master's Guide for examples of mental maladies. The material component of this spell is a piece of
School | Enchantment/Charm |
Sphere | Animal, Charm |
Range | 90-yard radius |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | Instantaneous |
Casting Time | 2 rounds |
Area of Effect | One mammal |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Charles Anthony Leone |
This spell allows the priest to command any mammal within range as long as the mammal can hear him and he does not exploit it. Only normal mammals can be affected, including variants in size. Thus polar bears, whales, etc., can be commanded but sphinxes and xorns cannot. The command must be given in a short sentence of at most 25 words. The mammal will automatically understand the language the priest is speaking. Note that for this purpose, humans, demi-humans and humanoids are not considered mammals. Since familiars are not considered to be normal animals, they cannot be commanded by this spell. The material component of this spell is a nail of a mammal.
School | Alteration |
Sphere | Elemental (All) |
Range | 30 yards |
Components | V, S |
Duration | 1 round per level |
Casting Time | 5 |
Area of Effect | The caster |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Dimitris Xanthakis |
Using this spell, the caster can meld into his natural surroundings and thus making himself invisible to other creatures. In order to cast the spell there must be a sufficient amount of the appropriate element available: rock or other similar material for the earth priest, a fair-sized fire, a water pool or air for the air priest. Druids can use the element they have major access to and templars can use any element. The elemental material can be as far as 30 yards away from the caster at the time of the casting.
If the caster melds into earth, fire or water, he makes himself totally invisible for the duration of the spell. He can be detected by magical means such as detect invisibility or true seeing, though. If he melds into air, he does not go invisible but rather transforms into an easily detected aerial form (clearly visible outline, blurs surroundings, lifts small items, etc.).
When inside the elemental material, the caster can see, hear and smell everything in range. He can even cast spells, although verbal communication with other beings is not possible. The caster can make any spells cast to appear coming from any point within a 30-yard radius from him, thus avoiding being detected by careful watchers.
The elemental material can be harmed normally, such as chopping rocks to pieces, extinguishing fires or draining water pools. If the caster melds in the air, any attack against the aerial form causes normal damage (remember, it is very easy to detect this form). This spell was designed for the Dark Sun campaign world.
School | Invocation |
Sphere | Elemental (Fire, Water) |
Range | 60 yards |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | Special |
Casting Time | 8 |
Area of Effect | Special |
Saving Throw | Special |
Author | Unknown |
When this spell is cast, all normal fires in the area of effect (a 10-yard per level long, 10-yard per level wide, 10-yard high block) are permanently extinguished. All magical fires in the area of effect or being cast into that area within one round have a chance of being extinguished equal to the priest's percentage chance to successfully cast dispel magic. Any permanently enchanted fire items (a sword, flame tongue, for example) will have the above chance of being extinguished for one round. The material component is holy or unholy water.
School | Enchantment/Charm |
Sphere | Charm |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | Permanent |
Casting Time | 3 rounds |
Area of Effect | Creature touched |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | The Avangion of Delphi |
A very potent and deadly spell, deathwalk should be used only when a long-term damaging effect is desired. The creature affected is, quite simply, no longer able to fall into a normal unconscious sleep. If sleep is cast upon the affected creature or the creature is otherwise affected in such a way that unconsciousness would result, the creature falls into a restless unconscious gaining no benefits from it. For every 3 consecutive days the creature is unable to sleep, all abilities temporarily drop by 1 point and 1d4 HP are temporarily lost, however no abilities can drop below 2 and hit points cannot be reduced to 0. The incoherentness and sluggishness eventually gets to the point where the creature is must keep bed, and can barely move. In this way, deathwalk releases its true powers because if the creature cannot eat or perform other necessary bodily functions especially that of proper health care, death ensues. After eight consecutive days without sleep, the creature must make a successful saving throw versus paralysation each day or fall into a restless coma. The material components for this spell are a black shroud, which burns while the spell is in effect, and a small crystal sphere that essentially traps the spirit and essence of the affected creature within it.
School | Alteration, Enchantment |
Sphere | Plant |
Range | 60 yards |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | Permanent |
Casting Time | 8 |
Area of Effect | One creature per 2 levels |
Saving Throw | Negates |
Author | Teh S. Cheng |
This spell is similar to polymorph other except that target creatures can only be turned into trees (usually oak). All creatures get a saving throw to avoid the effects of this spell. Those who fail turn into trees with their minds trapped within. Clothing, possessions, etc., are not transformed as part of the spell. Those who save feel their limbs turn wooden and stiff, the effects being as if a slow spell were cast upon them, with duration 2 rounds per level of the priest. To cast this spell, the priest needs a sprig of holly and tree sap from the tree type to which the targets are being polymorphed into. Only a wish or a higher level priest can reverse the effects of this spell.
School | Necromancy (Reversible) |
Sphere | Necromantic |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S |
Duration | Permanent |
Casting Time | 1 round |
Area of Effect | Creature touched |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Joe Colleran |
This spell is a less potent version of the 7th-level priest spell regenerate. The spell will allow the priest to reattach a severed limb to an individual provided the limb is present and the spell is cast not more than 1 turn per 3 levels of the priest after the limb was severed. The process of reattachment takes but 1 round, but the limb is not usable for any purpose until after the victim has rested for 1 day. No system shock or resurrection roll is needed for limb reattachment. If cast upon a creature that has had its head severed, the spell allows the head to be reattached, but does not in itself bring a dead victim back to life. The reattachment of the head does, however allow the victim to be raised, instead of resurrected. There is no time limit for reattaching heads to dead bodies, other than that imposed by a raise dead or resurrection spell.
The reverse of this spell, Selene's detachment, requires a successful attack roll, and further allows a saving throw versus death magic to avoid its effects. Failure indicates that a random limb (but not the head) is detached with the appropriate penalties to hit points, movement, Armour Class, attacks, etc. (cf. sword of sharpness). Unlike the 7th-level priest spell wither (the reverse of regenerate), the limb does not turn to dust but falls off. Creatures making their saving throws still take damage equal to a cause critical wounds, i.e. 3d8+3. Selene's detachment has no effect on nonliving creatures (undead, constructs, etc.) or on creatures from other planes (cf. cure light wounds).
School | Alteration, Illusion |
Sphere | Paraelemental (Sun), Sun, Time |
Range | 0 |
Components | V, S, M |
Duration | 1 turn per level |
Casting Time | 1 turn |
Area of Effect | Special |
Saving Throw | None |
Author | Ken Arromdee |
When the priest casts this spell, the sun immediately seems to stop in the sky, over any populated area which the priest can see the major part of. The area actually experiences extra turns of daytime; as far as those outside the area are concerned, the whole period of extra time happened in one instant. The material component for this spell is the priest's holy symbol.