The Wrath of the Talons

The Wrath of the Talons

This is a D&D campaign I was involved in for two years, from fall of 2003 to spring of 2005. It was a complete campaign, starting at level 1 and going up to level 17, where everything was wrapped up nicely with an epic battle.

This was a well-run and well-played campaign, with a great cast of characters and a skilled DM.

I played Dancing Albatross, a wizard/monk, and one of several people trained from birth in a monastery on a demiplane to fight a dragon who wanted to conquer or destroy the world. He started out knowing nothing about the World of Man, as he was taught to call it, and, due to personal arrogance and single-minded, obsessive devotion to his quest, ended the game knowing little more than when he started.

Albatross was a lot of fun to play, but I may have gone a little too far with his disrespect and distrust towards some of the other characters. In case any players from that game read this, I'm truly sorry if I made the game less fun for you. I hope that most of you saw it as simple role-playing, and it didn't hurt your enjoyment of the game.

This site includes descriptions of the characters, and multiple character journals, including a very complete one made by my own character. Some of the links to external sites are broken. Dustin – if you read this, any chance you could send me Bokuden's, Sakai's and Storn's journals so I can put them up here for people to read?

Game Turns and Journals

Timelineplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigTimeline

This is a timeline of the campaign, incorporating all the journals. For specific journals (which will probably be more up-to-date than this), go back to the main page.


Albatross: Dancing Albatross Intro

The Month of Eleasis


The Talons appear, and rescue Toben and Hallendar.
: A timeline of the game, including organized links to journal entries in chronological order. This helps clear up some confusion with multiple journals.

Dancing Albatrossplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigAlbatross's Journal

albatross index
: The most complete journal. Albatross had a problem with names though, so it can be slightly confusing occasionally. Use the Cast of Charactersplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigCast of Characters

Albatross is pretty bad with names, so here's a quick reference of the characters who have appeared in the game. The names that Albatross calls people are given in italics, while the real names and descriptions are given in normal text.
page to clear things up.

Caged Wolf's Journalplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigCaged Wolf's Journal

caged_wolf index
until he died.

Bokuden, Sakai and Storn's Journals: Broken link, unfortunately. This is the game from a different perspective than Albatross's.

Essethra's Brief Journalplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigThe Chronicle of Essethra

Inscribed in the Tongue of the Sun and Moon by Noj'illathuorsaarael, Awakened as Illathuor, Celestial 2nd rank, Revered Prophet, Grand Master Seer, and Sacred Martyr in the service of our Suffering Lord, Ilmater. Recorded for the Posterity of the Heavens in the Celestial Year

PBeMplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigTalons PBeM

Welcome to the Talons PBeM. We couldn't very well not play D&D while our DM was out of the country! See the character journals elsewhere on this site to find out what happened before and after the PBeM.

Characters: The cast of characters, complete with proper names omitted from Albatross' journal.pbem index
: The game was played over email for the summer of 2004. Here are the game turns. This also includes a couple other bits played over email.


The Talons' Monasteryplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigThe Talons' Monastery

A cloud of purple smoke envelops you, and you find yourself in a narrow, peaceful valley. Tall mountains on either side allow sunlight to hit the ground for only part of the day, yet the trees and shrubs and tall grasses are vibrant with color, and full of birds and other life.
: The Talons were brought up in a monastery on a demiplane. Most player characters were Talons.

Kakita Bokudenplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigKakita Bokuden

In Faerun, Bokuden is far from his home. He hails from a land in far off Kara-tur called the Shou Empire. It is a land where mighty samurai battle for honor and loyalty to one's lord and Emperor is paramount. Since the coming of the Red Warrior, the Shou Empire has almost fallen. Bokuden and his master, Kakita Akahito were able to leave the Empire shortly before its collapse in the hope of rallying its neighbors against their enemy. The countries of Thay and Mulhorand both decide…
: A samurai who has left the party to help fight the war against the Red Warrior.

Asahina Sakaiplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigSakai

Sakai was once Bokuden's cohort but was released from his duty so that he may stay with the Talons as long as he wishes. Unlike Bokuden, he does not know about the monks' charge, nor is he currently in the service of any lord. He chose to join the party in order to find the missing prisoners the Cult of the Dragon plans to sell to a slaver. Prisoners that he and the monks could have saved.
: Bokuden's servant, who remained with the party for a while after Bokuden left to ensure the liberation of some slaves.

Storn Faultmender: A page maintained by the armored mage Storn's player. It includes a journal, and other useful information not included on this site.

Toben Ennendar: Our charismatic Cleric of Lathander.

Hallendar: The halfling who formerly served as the party's thief. He was killed by an ogre.

Essethraplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigEssethra

A light glows softly, not far from where you stand. You have followed it ever since it caught your eye a time so long ago you have almost forgotten it; minutes, hours, days have become one, you may have sought this light since time immemorial. It is the only light here, lancing through the broken, twisted trees that grow from the black, hell-blasted dust. The sun and moon must have fled from the sight of this tortured landscape long ago, for though the landscape is barely lit by a s…
: An angel who joined the party to help with their quest. Includes a brief journal.

Cast of Charactersplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigCast of Characters

Albatross is pretty bad with names, so here's a quick reference of the characters who have appeared in the game. The names that Albatross calls people are given in italics, while the real names and descriptions are given in normal text.
: This is a somewhat complete list of player and non-player characters, listed with the non-names used in Albatross's journal.


House Rulesplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigHouse Rules

Raise Dead and Resurrection

Raise Dead and Resurrection are not automatically successful. A character's chances of being resurrected are 15%+3% a level, to a maximum of 75%. No retries. The in-campaign justification is that the Gods know when it is your


Leland-To: The town where the campaign begins

Narlekh: A town dominated by sea trade and the Daggers of Ohala.

Cormyr: The capital city of Suzail, home of Toben.

Ashabenford: The location of a dragon cultist portal to Mythdrannor.

Mythdrannor: A magical place ruled by drow, demons and other baddies.

Custom items

The Staff of Leland (aka Elfsmiter)plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigThe Staff of Leland (aka Elfsmiter)

Constructed 1000 years ago by a neutral cleric for an unknown purpose, Elfsmiter’s sole purpose is the destruction of elves Good and Evil. Long separated from its creator, 160 years ago Elfsmiter found itself in the hands of Leland, a simple cleric of Good who, unaware of its history, later used the weapon to beat off a Drow invasion at present day Leland-To.
: The mayor's staff in Leland-To.

The Ebon Starplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigThe Ebon Star

The Story of the Ebon Star according to Scott: Many generations ago, a proud cleric was soundly defeated by Vampire Lord while trying to free a village from his grasp. The Vampire let him live, and told him to come back if he felt like receiving another beating. The next day, the cleric was visited by an Avatar of Lathandar, who gave him a simple wooden mace with a black jewel embedded in the head. The Avatar told the cleric to be willing to seek help in his quest.
: Toben's mace, which has been in his family for generations but was made evil by a vampire.

Ring of Turn Resistanceplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigRing of Turn Resistance

Over the ages, intelligent undead have strived to protect themselves from the wrath of the Gods. Rings of Turn Resistance grant the undead wearer an Enhancement bonus to Resist Turning equal to the Ring's bonus. Rings of Turn Resistance does not prevent Exalted Turning damage, and on a Greater Turning attempt that would destroy the character under normal circumstances, they take Turning Damage instead.
: Orbakh's ring.

The Soul Engine (Minor Artifact)plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigThe Soul Engine (Minor Artifact)

It is said the Soul Engines come from another plane of existence, where they were used to power vast slave ships traveling across the Ether. It is unknown how old this Engine is, or how it came to rest on Faerun.

In 1359, as part of his plan to divide and conquer Faerun, the recently freed Rokuchiangkamphan struck a bargain with the Cult of the Dragon: If they would agree to serve him in his quest for power, he would grant them a favored place in his reign. A…
: The Red Warrior's soul-consuming artifact.

The Amulets of Tyrannyplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigThe Amulets of Tyranny

These nine amulets were crafted from the Rod of Tyranny when the tyrant of Suderham was overthrown by the nine Lords. They are decorated with nine red dots shooting lightning towards the center. The Amulets glow red and radiate strongly of evil. When worn with a special mask, they cause the eyes of the mask to glow red as well.
: The Lords of Suderham wore these amulets.

The Arcanist's Mark of Storageplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigThe Arcanist's Mark of Storage

dnd3 dnd5 item misc
: The end-result of Albatross's paranoia left a portal to an extradimensional space in his thigh.

Miscellaneous junk

DM Critiqueplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigDM Critique

At the end of our spring 2004 sessions, the DM asked for player comments, in order to improve his DMing style. Here is what the players said:

* The DM having a PC is a BAD idea. It fosters resentment amoung some players if the PC is given too much attention or is too
: Comments on Chris' DMing style from Spring 2004.