The Coming of the Zioth

Adding to the Site

Keeping track of the hundreds of NPCs who have shown up has gotten really tough, so I'm slowly writing biographies and putting them online. If you'd like to help and earn some bonus XP, here's how!

  1. Pick an NPC or location you find interesting – maybe one of the Maelbourgplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigMaelbourg

    [This map is obviously missing a lot. There aren't huge open spaces in Maelbourg.]

    Maelbourg is a walled town in the Barony of Huerten, with a population of approximately six thousand. Its primary exports are textiles, wool and coal, the last of which it acquires from deposits in the nearby hills. The land on which the town sits was added to maelbourg index
    townsmen, or a particular tavern, or whatever.
  2. Go to the web site, and type the name of that person or place in the search box. To cover everything, search for the most important part of the name – “Silnquostplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigGuildmaster Gal Silnquost


    A man in his forties, tall, at least while seated, who had a full head of graying hair. He was of unspectacular appearance, but his voice made up for it. Townsman Silnquost was as tall as Ziedon, an unusual thing in Huerten. Like most townsmen, he was equipped with an ornate dagger that bore the insignia of his guild on its hilt. He also wore a sword, and, though it was difficult to tell through the elaborate clothing, there might have been a little extra …
    ” instead of “Gal Silnquostplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigGuildmaster Gal Silnquost


    A man in his forties, tall, at least while seated, who had a full head of graying hair. He was of unspectacular appearance, but his voice made up for it. Townsman Silnquost was as tall as Ziedon, an unusual thing in Huerten. Like most townsmen, he was equipped with an ornate dagger that bore the insignia of his guild on its hilt. He also wore a sword, and, though it was difficult to tell through the elaborate clothing, there might have been a little extra …
    ” or “Townsman Silnquostplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigGuildmaster Gal Silnquost


    A man in his forties, tall, at least while seated, who had a full head of graying hair. He was of unspectacular appearance, but his voice made up for it. Townsman Silnquost was as tall as Ziedon, an unusual thing in Huerten. Like most townsmen, he was equipped with an ornate dagger that bore the insignia of his guild on its hilt. He also wore a sword, and, though it was difficult to tell through the elaborate clothing, there might have been a little extra …
  3. Skim each game turn that comes up, and collect information about the person or place.
  4. Create the page. To do this, log in, and go to a url:[town]/[name] or[town]/[name]. For example: Then click “Create” in the upper-right corner. Alternatively, you can create the page in your private area of the site.
  5. Write the biography. If information comes from a specific turn, or if you've quoted a turn, follow that quote or information with a turn reference (see below).
  6. When you're done, email me. I might add some information, or reformat the page slightly to make it look like other pages on the site.
  7. If you're not a player and want to help, email me with a page you'd like to submit. If you plan on doing several pages, I might give you an account to create them yourself. If you later become a player, you'll start with the bonus XP from the work you did.

Here's a sample page

====== Some Guy ======
//Written by Chris.//

Mr. Guy was sitting in the Orange Marmalade Tavern when Kreemon
walked in and ordered soup. The bartender accidentally gave
Kreemon two bowls of soup instead of one, so Kreemon gave the
other to Some Guy{{zioth>t,43}}. Later, Mr. Guy was seen climbing
up a wall {{zioth>t,69}}.

Some Guy was mentioned in these turns: {{zioth>tl,43,45,n46,n47,69}}

==== Description ====
"Some guy is quite a guy{{zioth>t,45}}!"

Turn References

  • {{zioth>t,45,46}} makes a superscript, like a footnote reference45plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigAppeared or occurred in:

    : The Temple of the Orithory

    Ranes' was filling with lunchtime customers, who still spoke quite a bit about the butcher, although not near as much as the day before.

    “Something strange is going on at the Temple,” said the deep, throaty voice voice a man behind a wooden pillar.
    ,46plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigAppeared or occurred in:

    : A Scene of Death

    Kreemon broke through the crowd, drawing his sword again as he rushed the door. He slowed enough to try the doorknob, but nevertheless crashed into the door with the momentum of his run, causing it to squeak and crack. The door was locked, but gave easily at a second rush.
  • {{zioth>tl,45,46}} makes a list: 45plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigAppeared or occurred in:

    : The Temple of the Orithory

    Ranes' was filling with lunchtime customers, who still spoke quite a bit about the butcher, although not near as much as the day before.

    “Something strange is going on at the Temple,” said the deep, throaty voice voice a man behind a wooden pillar.
    ,46plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigAppeared or occurred in:

    : A Scene of Death

    Kreemon broke through the crowd, drawing his sword again as he rushed the door. He slowed enough to try the doorknob, but nevertheless crashed into the door with the momentum of his run, causing it to squeak and crack. The door was locked, but gave easily at a second rush.
  • Putting 'n' in front of a turn like this {{zioth>t,n34}} makes the link green, meaning that the character was mentioned in the turn, but didn't appear34plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigReferenced in:

    : The Townsman's Dilemma

    The only emotion Sahlman could solidly identify at that moment was confusion. Perhaps if he had been paying more attention to Ulan, instead of checking all around for Forgolon Deepthroat, he might have been able to better assay what was going on. As it was, nothing was as it seemed, or nothing seemed as it was, one of the two. Either way, Sahl was left shaking his head. He had to look around at the groveling Ulan, just to make doubly certain that it was he, indeed, who was doing the begging. It …