This covers knowledge of taxation, commodities, trade routes, demands, et cetera. With 5 or more ranks, it grants a +2 synergy bonus to Appraise.
This covers the rudiments of physics, anatomy, mathematics, and the other natural sciences (such as they exist in this world). With 5 or more ranks, it grants a +2 bonus to Heal checks, and it further allows non-spellcasters to use the Alchemy skill, with the ranks in Knowledge (Natural Philosophy) forming a limiter on how many ranks of Craft (Alchemy) can be assigned.
This covers the study of logic, metaphysics, political philosophy, and the like, and grants a +2 synergy bonus to Sense Motive with 5 or more ranks.
This skill can be used to predict astronomical events, such as conjunctions of new moons, eclipses and meteor showers. It can also be used for navigation. Five or more ranks in Knowledge (astronomy) gives a +2 synergy bonus to Survival checks used to determine direction at night, and location at sea.
This skill reflects a character's detailed knowledge of the structure and arrangement of the human body, including the location and function of bones, muscles, organs, and other soft tissues. This skill can be used to strengthen or preserve corpses. With a successful DC20 check (no retry), a necromancer can strengthen a corpse before raising it, giving it an additional 1HP per hit die (max 1 per point by which the check exceeded 19). With a successful DC30 check, the undead can also be given a +2 bonus to strength, but only one of the two checks can be made for any corpse. Five or more ranks in this skill grants a +2 synergy bonus to Heal checks.