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Andrithanismplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigAndrithanism
Based on original ideas from Karl Schinke (Ardith). Symbols for aspects other than the Mother, along with the artwork, were contributed by Myron Wyles (Halaren).
Andrithanism and its variants are the dominant religion in Rang and the surrounding kingdoms. Within the boundaries of Morenthplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigMorenth
Morenth's theology revolves around the simple idea that the entire universe belongs to him, and humanity is barely worthy to bask in his radiant presence. Those who refuse to acknowledge this simple, self-evident fact heretics, and deserve punishment or death. There is no repentance for heretics Andrithan Calendarplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigAndrithan Calendar
The same calendar is used by Andrithans everywhere. The basic structure is used by most non-Andrithans as well.
Every month is 28 days long, and there are 13 months, for a 364 day solar year. The months are based on Halkak's cycle. # Sarnam Translation to