Crimson Dawn
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Crimson Dawn

The Story:

Chapter 1plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigChapter 1: Scouts

It has been two months since I took a position as healer for this army. Perhaps my ideal profession would be to work as a temple priest, but those jobs are in short supply, especially for a man my age who still has the title of Brother, and I need money to survive. While not ideal, this work is respectable enough, and it allows be to delve deep into a question that has bothered me for years. In war, each side sees themselves as good and their enemy as evil. Whether aggressor or defender, this vi…

Chapter 2plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigChapter 2: Ip

It's always the dwarves. Stubborn. Impulsive. You can always rely on them to throw the best laid plans into chaos.

It has been a long time since I’ve concerned myself with matters of war. But what I remember from back then still holds true today: the incompetence of your allies is a greater threat than even the most cunning enemy.

Chapter 3plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigChapter 3: Breadguy and the King of the Troglodytes

I’ve never been much of one to keep a journal. Azi assured me that despite the risk it would help me focus, but I left the little books blank. Of course, now that I have the urge to write my impressions on paper I cannot afford to do so. I doubt the supply officer would even know what I was asking for.

Chapter 4plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigChapter 4: The Trial of Uruk Ta

Long have I held sway upon my people, manipulating the course of our history as had been passed down by my father before me, Balik Ta. He had bequeathed unto me the secret of our power. And better still, he had taught me how to manipulate hearts and minds, even the physical elements that surround us, with but our thoughts. And lo, we are but limited by the sun’s deadly light. Within the caves, we dwell, hidden in shadow and secrecy.

Chapter 5plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigChapter 5: Better off with Federov

Since I joined the army, I've had a somewhat privileged position. As someone who can heal using both mundane and magical means, I'm in slightly higher demand than the average soldier. However, it's been made clear to me that I, like everyone else, am expendable and replaceable. In the end, I'm one soldier among thousands, so why have some people put so much effort into protecting me? I restored Federov to his half-life. When he got into a fight, I explained his purpose to him and thought he was …

Chapter 6plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigChapter 6: ...


Detailed summary by Hanah'rah


This is a sitemap over all available pages ordered by namespaces.

      • Text Character Sheetplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigText Character Sheet

        Designed for D&D 2nd Edition

        Character Name-(______________) Alignment-(_____________) Age-(___)Max-(____) Player Name-(______________) Height-(_____________) Sex-(_____________) Deity-(______________) Weight-(_____________) Hair-(_____________) Class-(______________) Race-(_____________) Eyes-(_____________) Movement:Normal(_____)Heavy(x3/4)(_____)Loaded(x1/2)(____)Max Load(x1/4)(____) Racial/Class Abilities-(____________________________…
      • The FidoNet AD&D Compendium Version 2.1plugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigThe FidoNet AD&D Compendium Version 2.1

        The Great FidoNet Compendium 2.0 was published to the AD&D FidoNet group on January 22nd, 1997. It was adapted to the internet as Version 2.1 on August 21, 2011. Last updated July 29, 2014.


        The previous version of this compendium was released close to fifteen years ago. With FidoNet long gone, and plain text out of style, I figured it was time to reformat this thing for the internet. This version includes seven spell submissions that didn'…
      • 2nd Edition Kitsplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_big2nd Edition Kits

        These could probably be adapted to Prestige Classes...

        Warrior of the Church

        First of all, these kits (now I want to tell only about one) were created for a special campaign, so there are some explanation about the slots. They have bonus non-weapon slots - reading/writing and investigation. The investigation as slot includes base knowleges in healing, tracking, chemistry, herbalism, observation. But it doesn't meen that the character is a specialist in it! The base knowlege…
      • The FidoNet Compendiumplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigThe FidoNet Compendium

        * The Compendium * Races * Dwome * Green Orc * Half Sprite * Woodsprite * Zenkinthe * Stalestian

        * Classes * Dragon Avatar * Elemental Wizard * The Huntsman * The Disjoiner * Dark Powers Specialist: Includes a bunch of spells.

        * 2nd Edition Kits * Spells * Artifacts * The Aelahi's Bane * Death's Glove * Death Stalker * The Mad Book of Mog * Rider of the Winds * Spirit Blade * True Striker of Torm * Vyo…
    • charactersplugin-autotooltip__defaultHalaren
    • Netbook of Featsplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigNetbook of Feats


      Greetings, and thanks for taking the time to read the Netbook of Feats. This project is the result of a lot of hard work by all our contributors, reviewers, editors, the Fantasy Netbook Community Council, and myself. It represents thousands of hours of hard work and boundless creativity. We sincerely hope that you enjoy it and find something here that enhances your game or simply entertains.

      The Netbook of…

    • Find Roleplaying Gamesplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigFind Roleplaying Games

      Obsidian Portal: I can't believe it took me so long to find this site. Join a hundred thousand gamers in a community which includes hosted campaigns, player and game finders, and more, for all RPG systems.

      Play by Email / Play by Post

      Giants in the Playground forums, mainly D&D.
    • Roleplaying Resourcesplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigRoleplaying Resources

      This is a collection of resources I've written or found over the years. While a lot of this is oriented towards D&D, much is applicable to any role-playing game or fantasy world. Anything here that is not credited can be assumed to be copyright
    • Roleplay Pluginplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigRoleplay Plugin

      This Dokuwiki plugin facilitates the creation of web sites for role-playing games.

      Every feature uses this syntax:

      data here

      Dice roller


      Configuration is done through a wiki page called roleplay_config, which is in the same namespace as the game turns.
    • Roleplaying Resourcesplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigRoleplaying Resources

      * Index

      * RPG Fiction

      * Characters

      * Worlds

      * Campaigns

      * Magic

      * Game Systems

      * Rules

      * Relic Vault

      * Resources

      * Fun
    • Recent Updatesplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigRecent Updates

      October 18, 2017

      * D&D 5: Masters of Skills

      September 26, 2011

      * Added official D&D character sheet to Characters page. * Added d20 modern and Ars Magica to Game Systems page.

      September 23, 2011

      * Fancy new design for the Roleplaying Resources site, with icons, and better organization. Good bye giant list of links!
  • Moose Factsplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigMoose Facts

    * Did you know that “Moose Watching” is illegal in twelve cities and towns throughout the USA, because of fatal injuries caused by it? * Did you know that Bullwinkle Moose was the real name of a Pennsylvania farmer? The show was inspired by Mr. Moose, who was a friend of the producer's sister. Rocky Squirrel, however, was a completely original name.
  • Moose Pageplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigMoose Page

    Looking at this Moose page, you may ask, “what is this infatuation you have with moose?”

    I'm not quite sure I can explain it myself. Maybe it's their huge size (male moose grow to 7'6“ at the shoulder and 1000lb). Perhaps it's their agile movements (moose can move very quietly through underbrush, despite their size and mass). Maybe it's those fancy gadgets they carry on top of their heads (moose antlers can measure as much as 6ft from tip to tip, and weigh up to 90lb as a pair). May…